Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Rules

This first post seems appropriate as someone who inspired a monastic rule. And, in the spirit of that rule, I won't be too rigid. I'm using this blog as a running commentary, reading blog, link-node, on the works of Augustine of Hippo. I've read works by Augustine (Confessions, City of God, etc), but I wanted a place to keep a running exegesis or gloss (maybe some thoughts on the differences of those words in a later post) on his work. So, I will eschew the personal on this blog and use it for academic purposes--though the personal, of course, will, of course, come in to this. My interest in Augustine stems from my work in medieval mysticism and theology. His fingerprints are everywhere in that field--thinking about time, sexuality, faith, teaching, etc. So, I will be working with primary sources and supplementing with some secondary works (especially if readers have strong recommendations). Feel free to post questions, thoughts critiques, as I work through the oeuvre, as Michelangelo allegedly said in the end, "ancora imparo." I'm going to begin with one of Augustine's early works--something I am working with right now--Against the Academicians. I'll move into the other, more well-known, works later.

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